Results for 'Alex Gonçalves Pin'

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  1.  10
    “Do Jaborandi”: o estudo das produções vegetais brasileiras por Joaquim Monteiro Caminhoá (1875).Alex Gonçalves Varela - 2024 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 19 (1):9-29.
    Joaquim Monteiro Caminhoá (1836-1896) foi um ativo cientista que atuou no Império do Brasil, tendo produzido farto conhecimento que foi publicado em revistas e anais. Dentre os artigos redigidos encontra-se Do Jaborandi, publicado nos Annaes Brasiliensis de Medicina, no ano de 1875. O objetivo do artigo consiste em realizar uma análise do supracitado texto e a sua contribuição para o processo de emergência e consolidação das ciências naturais no oitocentos em nosso país. Os autores que estudaram e classificaram o jaborandi, (...)
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    Pensar a biopolítica a partir da teologia: contribuições de Agamben.Alex G. Pin - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):187-197.
    A publicação de 2007, Homo Sacer II, 2, Il Regno e la Gloria, constitui marco na obra agambenana. Por um lado, o projeto Homo Sacer, que tinha por objetivo a genealogia do poder político, ascende a nova e decisiva dimensão: desvela o paradigma da teologia econômica, que permite explicar com maior precisão a articulação entre o reino e o governo, e os alcances do diagnóstico biopolítico. Por outro, Agamben crê haver encontrado nesse livro o arcano do poder: a glória. A (...)
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  3. Exorcising Grice’s ghost: an empirical approach to studying intentional communication in animals.Simon W. Townsend, Sonja E. Koski, Richard W. Byrne, Katie E. Slocombe, Balthasar Https://Orcidorg Bickel, Markus Boeckle, Ines Braga Goncalves, Judith M. Burkart, Tom Flower, Florence Gaunet, Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock, Thibaud Gruber, David A. W. A. M. Jansen, Katja Liebal, Angelika Linke, Ádám Miklósi, Richard Moore, Carel P. van Schaik, Sabine Https://Orcidorg Stoll, Alex Vail, Bridget M. Waller, Markus Wild, Klaus Zuberbühler & Marta B. Manser - 2016 - Biological Reviews 3.
    Language’s intentional nature has been highlighted as a crucial feature distinguishing it from other communication systems. Specifically, language is often thought to depend on highly structured intentional action and mutual mindreading by a communicator and recipient. Whilst similar abilities in animals can shed light on the evolution of intentionality, they remain challenging to detect unambiguously. We revisit animal intentional communication and suggest that progress in identifying analogous capacities has been complicated by (i) the assumption that intentional (that is, voluntary) production (...)
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    Exorcising Grice's ghost: an empirical approach to studying intentional communication in animals.Simon W. Townsend, Sonja E. Koski, Richard W. Byrne, Katie E. Slocombe, Balthasar Https://Orcidorg Bickel, Markus Boeckle, Ines Braga Goncalves, Judith M. Burkart, Tom Flower, Florence Gaunet, Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock, Thibaud Gruber, David A. W. A. M. Jansen, Katja Liebal, Angelika Linke, Ádám Miklósi, Richard Moore, Carel P. van Schaik, Sabine Https://Orcidorg Stoll, Alex Vail, Bridget M. Waller, Markus Wild, Klaus Zuberbühler & Marta B. Manser - 2017 - .
    Language's intentional nature has been highlighted as a crucial feature distinguishing it from other communication systems. Specifically, language is often thought to depend on highly structured intentional action and mutual mindreading by a communicator and recipient. Whilst similar abilities in animals can shed light on the evolution of intentionality, they remain challenging to detect unambiguously. We revisit animal intentional communication and suggest that progress in identifying analogous capacities has been complicated by (i) the assumption that intentional (that is, voluntary) production (...)
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    Cerebral Organoid Research Ethics and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey.Alex McKeown - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (4):542-554.
    The risk of creating cerebral organoids/assembloids conscious enough to suffer is a recurrent concern in organoid research ethics. On one hand, we should, apparently, avoid discovering how to distinguish between organoids that it would be permissible (non-conscious) and impermissible (conscious) to use in research, since if successful we would create organoids that suffer. On the other, if we do not, the risk persists that research might inadvertently continue to cause organoids to suffer. Moreover, since modeling some brain disorders may require (...)
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    Is Epigenetic Inheritance a Counterexample to the Central Dogma?Alex Rosenberg - 2006 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 28 (4):549 - 565.
    This paper argues that nothing that has been discovered in the increasingly complex delails of gene regulation has provided any grounds to retract or qualify Crick's version of the central dogma. In particular it defends the role of the genes as the sole bearers of information, and argues that the mechanism of epigenetic modification of the DNA is but another vindication of Crick's version of the central dogma. The paper shows that arguments of C.K. Waters for the distinctive causual role (...)
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    True lies and Moorean redundancy.Alex Wiegmann & Emanuel Viebahn - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13053-13066.
    According to the subjective view of lying, speakers can lie by asserting a true proposition, as long as they believe this proposition to be false. This view contrasts with the objective view, according to which lying requires the actual falsity of the proposition asserted. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to pairs of assertions that differ only in intuitively redundant content and to show that such pairs of assertions are a reason to favour the subjective view of (...)
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    Beyond the Coloniality of Gender.Alex Adamson - 2022 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 2 (2):299-329.
    This article explores Sylvia Wynter’s analysis of gender as a category differentially applied across the global color line and María Lugones’ account of the coloniality of gender. While Wynter’s and Lugones’s work offer consequential insights for queer, trans, and intersex studies and activism, they have deliberately engaged these particular discourses and histories of struggle in limited ways. Wynter analyzes the contradictions of Western feminists’ organizing against female genital cutting in Africa, but she does not link her conclusions to their ramifications (...)
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    Kant Contra Haeckel: Erkenntnistheorie Gegen Naturwissenschaftlichen Dogmatismus.Alex Meiklejohn - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10 (6):668-670.
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    About V2.Alex Adriaansens - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (2):89-98.
    Twenty-five years ago some young artists initiated V2, a contemporary interdisciplinary arts centre focusing on art and technology and its social, cultural relations. V2 focuses on the interference between media itself, and the social and cultural impact of (media) technology. In its projects V2 explores the relationship between the arts, science and technology by bringing together artists from different art disciplines, scientists and people from different practices thus initiating interdisciplinary working relations among them, this within concrete art projects. Research is (...)
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    From Impossibility to Evidentialism?Alex Worsnip - 2021 - Episteme 18 (3):384-406.
    It's often said that it is impossible to respond to non-evidential considerations in belief-formation, at least not directly and consciously. Many philosophers think that this provides grounds for accepting a normative thesis: typically, some kind of evidentialism about reasons for belief, or what one ought to believe. Some also think it supports thinking that evidentialist norms are constitutive of belief. There are a variety of ways in which one might try to support such theses by appeal to the impossibility-claim. In (...)
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  12. The matter of form : logic's beginnings.Alex Oliver - 2009 - In Jonathan Lear & Alex Oliver (eds.), The Force of Argument: Essays in Honor of Timothy Smiley. New York: Routledge. pp. 165-185.
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    Intending to deceive versus deceiving intentionally in indifferent lies.Alex Wiegmann & Ronja Rutschmann - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (5):752-756.
    Indifferent lies have been proposed as a counterexample to the claim that lying requires an intention to deceive. In indifferent lies, the speaker says something she believes to be false (in a trut...
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    Against the strengthened impairment argument: never-born fetuses have no FLO to deprive.Alex R. Gillham - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics (12):1-4.
    In order for the so-called strengthened impairment argument to succeed, it must posit some reason R that causing fetal alcohol syndrome is immoral, one that also holds in cases of abortion. In formulating SIA, Blackshaw and Hendricks borrow from Don Marquis to claim that the reason R that causing FAS is immoral lies in the fact that it deprives an organism of a future like ours. I argue here that SIA fails to show that it is immoral to cause FAS (...)
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  15. The pleonasticity of talk about concepts.Alex Barber - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 89 (1):53-86.
    The paper aims to disarm arguments, prevalent in diverse philosophical contexts, that deny the legitimacy of attributions of propositional attitudes on the grounds that the putative subject lacks one or more of the requite concepts. Its strategy is to offer and defend an extremely minimal account on concept possession. The agenda of the paper broadens into a defence of the thesis that concepts are a linguistic epiphenomenon: talk about them emerges as the result of certain contingently available and pleonastic ways (...)
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    Clinical Equipoise: Foundational Requirement or Fundamental Error.Alex John London - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock (ed.), The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Any view of equipoise faces perhaps the most radical and far-reaching objections from moral foundations. These objections hold that the equipoise requirement conflates the ethics of medical research and the ethics of clinical medicine. Once this conflation is recognized, this position holds, research can be given a new foundation on the imperative to avoid exploiting research participants. This article argues that what is novel in this critique is not as successful as its proponents claim and that the ultimate success of (...)
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  17. A Modest Logic of Plurals.Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (3):317-348.
    We present a plural logic that is as expressively strong as it can be without sacrificing axiomatisability, axiomatise it, and use it to chart the expressive limits set by axiomatisability. To the standard apparatus of quantification using singular variables our object-language adds plural variables, a predicate expressing inclusion (is/are/is one of/are among), and a plural definite description operator. Axiomatisability demands that plural variables only occur free, but they have a surprisingly important role. Plural description is not eliminable in favour of (...)
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  18.  12
    A Schema-Activation Approach to Failure and Success in Self-Control.Alex Bertrams - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  19. Foresight in cultural evolution.Alex Mesoudi - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (2):243-255.
    Critics of Darwinian cultural evolution frequently assert that whereas biological evolution is blind and undirected, cultural change is directed or guided by people who possess foresight, thereby invalidating any Darwinian analysis of culture. Here I show this argument to be erroneous and unsupported in several respects. First, critics commonly conflate human foresight with supernatural clairvoyance, resulting in the premature rejection of Darwinian cultural evolution on false logical grounds. Second, the presence of foresight is perfectly consistent with Darwinian evolution, and is (...)
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    Two dogmas of research ethics and the integrative approach to human-subjects research.Alex John London - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (2):99 – 116.
    This article argues that lingering uncertainty about the normative foundations of research ethics is perpetuated by two unfounded dogmas of research ethics. The first dogma is that clinical research, as a social activity, is an inherently utilitarian endeavor. The second dogma is that an acceptable framework for research ethics must impose constraints on this endeavor whose moral force is grounded in role-related obligations of either physicians or researchers. This article argues that these dogmas are common to traditional articulations of the (...)
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  21.  34
    On the social and personal value of existence.Marc Fleurbaey & Alex Voorhoeve - 2015 - In . pp. 95-109.
    If a potential person would have a good life if he were to come into existence, can we coherently regard his coming into existence as better for him than his never coming into existence? And can we regard the situation in which he never comes into existence as worse for him? In this paper, we argue that both questions should be answered affirmatively. We also explain where prominent arguments to differing conclusions go wrong. Finally, we explore the relevance of our (...)
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  22.  7
    (1 other version)Beneficent Intelligence: A Capability Approach to Modeling Benefit, Assistance, and Associated Moral Failures Through AI Systems.Alex John London & Hoda Heidari - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):1-37.
    The prevailing discourse around AI ethics lacks the language and formalism necessary to capture the diverse ethical concerns that emerge when AI systems interact with individuals. Drawing on Sen and Nussbaum’s capability approach, we present a framework formalizing a network of ethical concepts and entitlements necessary for AI systems to confer meaningful benefit or assistance to stakeholders. Such systems enhance stakeholders’ ability to advance their life plans and well-being while upholding their fundamental rights. We characterize two necessary conditions for morally (...)
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  23. A "pessoa" de Rudder Baker é realmente incorporada?Jonas Gonçalves Coelho - 2008 - Princípios 15 (23):191-203.
    Alguns filósofos materialistas pensam, contra o dualismo de substância, que uma mente incorporada é apenas uma mente que depende de um corpo para existir, isto é, que a mente náo existe independentemente de um corpo. Tomarei como representativas deste ponto de vista muito limitado sobre incorporaçáo as idéias de Lynne Baker e sua Teoria da Constituiçáo de Propriedades. Baker diz que prefere enfrentar o problema da relaçáo pessoa e corpo em vez da relaçáo mente e corpo porque esta última formulaçáo (...)
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    Teorias físicas inconsistentes e lógicas multidedutivas.Edélcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2000 - Cognitio 1:145-152.
    Resumo: Pretendemos esboçar o conceito de lógica multidedutiva que constitui um sistema lógico subjacente à noção de verdade pragmática. Com base em lógicas multidedutivas, delineamos um aparato formal para o tratamento apropriado de inconsistências em teorias físicas.: we intend to delineate the concept of multideductive logic that constitutes a subjacent logical system for the pragmatic notion of truth. Based upon the multideductive logic we have pictured a formal apparatus used as an appropriate treatment to the inconsistencies in Physics theories.
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    Reducción y combate del animal humano.Víctor Gómez Pin - 2014 - Barcelona: Ariel.
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  26. Citizen sensing - development of a participatory risk management system.Asma Mehan, Paula Gonçalves, Ana Monteiro, Paulo Conceição & Sara Cruz - 2019 - 12th CITTA International Conference on Planning Research.
    Climate change exposes ecological and socio-economic systems to risks. The identified disparities in knowledge about the social climate system are at the root of the difficulties in perceiving and understanding the diversity of risks related to climate change. The still huge gap between what science and technological innovation can contribute to mitigation and what is unmanageable by humans inevitably requires a continuous process of adaptation. This work is part of the research associated with the European project (under the ERA4CS) 'Citizen (...)
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    How Numerical Unbalance Constraints Physical and Tactical Individual Demands of Ball Possession Small-Sided Soccer Games.Nuno André Nunes, Bruno Gonçalves, Diogo Coutinho & Bruno Travassos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  28. Subjetivações em meio à vida universitária e sua interface com o aprender inventivo.Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues & Lisandra Berni Osório - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (3):538-560.
    Nosso objetivo é problematizar os modos de subjetivações em interface com o aprender que se circunscreve em meio à vida no ambiente universitário. Para além de critérios avaliativos e paradigmas psicológicos, buscamos a temática do aprender sob o viés das Filosofias da Diferença, perpassando pelo escopo da inventividade. Nessa direção, encontramos, em Deleuze, a ideia de que o pensamento produz uma diferença quando é coagido pelo encontro com os signos que o forçam, desdobrando, daí, algo que lhe confira novo sentido. (...)
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    Escritos críticos histórico-filosóficos.Jorge Vázquez Piñón - 2018 - Morelia, Michoacán, México: Editorial MoreValladolid.
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  30. Filosofía, sociedad, y educación: ensayos y artículos.Jorge Vázquez Piñón - 2001 - [México]: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.
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    The Importance of Fostering Ownership During Medical Training.Alex Dubov, Liana Fraenkel & Elizabeth Seng - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (9):3-12.
    There is a need to consider the impact of the new resident-hours regulations on the variety of aspects of medical education and patient care. Most existing literature about this subject has focused on the role of fatigue in resident performance, education, and health care delivery. However, there are other possible consequences of these new regulations, including a negative impact on decision ownership. Our main assumption of is that increased shift work in medicine can decrease ownership of treatment decisions and impact (...)
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  32. Now you have the key idea of how syntax and semantics interact in the transmission of information to resolve the refer-ence of pronouns.Alex Orenstein - 1983 - In Alex Orenstein & Rafael Stern (eds.), Developments in Semantics. Haven. pp. 2--88.
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    Fiscal Objections to Expanded Health Coverage: A Case Study of the Affordable Care Act.Alex Rajczi - 2014 - In Allhoff Fritz & Hall Mark (eds.), The Affordable Care Act Decision: Philosophical and Legal Implications. Routledge. pp. 195-208.
    In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Among other things, it found that states may refuse to expand Medicaid to all individuals earning less than 133% of the federal poverty line. In this article, I evaluate the strongest conservative objection to the Medicaid expansion, which runs as follows: "Defenders of the ACA promised that the Medicaid expansion (and all other parts of the ACA) would be paid for with compensating (...)
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  34. La genetique et le holisme debride.Alex Rosenberg & Andrew Jh Clark - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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    Subversive Reflections on the Human Genome Project.Alex Rosenberg - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:329 - 335.
    By developing an elaborate allegory, this paper attempts to show that the advertised aim of the Human Genome project, to sequence the entire 3 billion base pair primary sequence of the nucleic acid molecules that constitute the human genome, does not make scientific sense. This raises the questions of what the real aim of the project could be, and why the molecular biological community has chosen to offer the primary sequence as the objective to be funded, when identifying functionally important (...)
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  36.  36
    The Self-Emptying Subject: Kenosis and Immanence, Medieval to Modern.Alex Dubilet - 2018 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Against the two dominant ethical paradigms of continental philosophy–Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the other and Michel Foucault’s ethics of self-cultivation—The Self-Emptying Subject theorizes an ethics of self-emptying, or kenosis, one that reveals the immanence of an impersonal and dispossessed life without a why. Rather than align immanence with the enclosures of the subject, Dubilet engages the history of Christian mystical theology, modern philosophy, and contemporary theories of the subject to rethink immanence as what precedes and exceeds the very difference between (...)
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    The Forgotten Space. Written and directed by Allan Sekula and Noël Burch.Alex Zukas - 2014 - Environment, Space, Place 6 (1):158-171.
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    Tierralismo: Stories from a Cooperative Farm.Alex Zukas - 2014 - Environment, Space, Place 6 (2):130-135.
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    A Further Review of the Incompatibility between Classical Principles and Quantum Postulates.M. Ferrero, V. Gómez Pin, D. Salgado & J. L. Sánchez-Gómez - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):125-138.
    The traditional “realist” conception of physics, according to which human concepts, laws and theories can grasp the essence of a reality in our absence , seems incompatible with quantum formalism and it most fruitful interpretation. The proof rests on the violation by quantum mechanical formalism of some fundamental principles of the classical ontology. We discuss if the conception behind Einstein’s idea of a reality in our absence, could be still maintained and at which price. We conclude that quantum mechanical formalism (...)
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    Strengthened impairment argument: restating Marquis?Alex Gillham - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics:1-2.
    Blackshaw and Hendricks recently developed a strengthened version of the impairment argument (SIA) that imports Marquis’ account of the wrongness of abortion. I then argued that if SIA imports Marquis’ account, then it restates Marquis’ position and thus is not very significant. In turn, Blackshaw and Hendricks explained why they take SIA to be importantly different from Marquis’ account. I have two aims in this response. First, I reconstruct Blackshaw and Hendricks’ arguments for the claim that SIA is importantly different (...)
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    „Are we doing alright?“ Die Komplexität ethisch-verantwortlicher Forschung zu sexueller Orientierung, geschlechtlicher Identität und Gesundheit im südlichen und östlichen Afrika.Alex Müller - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):293-299.
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  42. Philosophy of Linguistics.Georges Rey, Alex Barber, John Collins, Michael Devitt & Dunja Jutronic - 2008 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 8 (23).
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    Appreciation and FeelingReading with Feeling: The Aesthetics of Appreciation.Alex Neill & Susan Feagin - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (1):67.
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    Ambiguity and coherence.Alex Lascarides - 1996 - Journal of Semantics 13 (1):41-65.
    Several recent theories of linguistic representation treat the lexicon as a highly structured object, incorporating fairly detailed semantic information, and allowing multiple aspects of meaning to be represented in a single entry (e.g. Pustejovsky, 1991; Copestake, 1992; Copestake and Briscoe, 1995). One consequence of these approaches is that word senses cannot be thought of as discrete units which are in one-to-one correspondence with lexical entries. This has many advantages in allowing an account of systematic polysemy, but leaves the problem of (...)
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  45. The independence of practical ethics.Alex John London - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (2):87-105.
    After criticizing three common conceptions of therelationship between practical ethics and ethical theory, analternative modeled on Aristotle's conception of the relationshipbetween rhetoric and philosophical ethics is explored. Thisaccount is unique in that it neither denigrates the project ofsearching for an adequate comprehensive ethical theory norsubordinates practical ethics to that project. Because the purpose of practical ethics, on this view, is tosecure the cooperation of other persons in a way that respectstheir status as free and equal, it seeks to influence thejudgments (...)
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    Hazy Totalities and Indefinitely Extensible Concepts.Alex Oliver - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 55 (1):25-50.
    Dummctt argues that classical quantification is illegitimate when the domain is given as the objects which fall under an indefinitely extensible concept, since in such cases the objects are not the required definite totality. The chief problem in understanding this complex argument is the crucial but unexplained phrase 'definite totality' and the associated claim that it follows from the intuitive notion of set that the objects over which a classical quantifier ranges form a set. 'Definite totality' is best understood as (...)
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    The Hevajra Tantra. A Critical Study.Alex Wayman & D. L. Snellgrove - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):159.
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  48. Protect and Preserve Your Records.Alex W. Barker - 2016 - In Dena Plemmons & Alex W. Barker (eds.), Anthropological ethics in context: an ongoing dialogue. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.
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  49. What's Different?Alex W. Barker & Dena Plemmons - 2016 - In Dena Plemmons & Alex W. Barker (eds.), Anthropological ethics in context: an ongoing dialogue. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.
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    Desobediência civil e o aprofundamento da democracia.Felipe Gonçalves Silva - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 9 (18):198.
    O retorno do conceito de desobediência civil ao centro da teoria política contemporânea mostra-se marcado por debates intensos entre posições plurais e frequentemente conflitantes. O recente livro de William Scheuerman, Civil Disobedience, expressa de forma exemplar as disputas existentes ao longo dos desenvolvimentos históricos desse conceito, reconstruindo os traços particulares de diferentes vertentes interpretativas da desobediência civil e salientando seus principais embates e controvérsias. O presente artigo dedica-se à avaliação do modo como Scheuerman descreve e discute uma dessas vertentes particulares, (...)
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